Odile Kennel lives in Berlin as poet, novelist and translator. She writes in German and French and likes to make place for many other languages in her texts.
Recently she published a volume of poems entitled Hors Texte“ (Verlagshaus Berlin 2019).
You can read her contributions on her blog: https://odilekennel.blogspot.com/ and follow her work in the digital realm @solidenelke.
© Photo: Charlotte Werndt
Discursive Evening
With: Rubia Salgado (Linz, Austria), Douglas Diegues (Brazil), Myriam Ávila (Brazil)
Translation: Odile Kennel (Germany)
Live Special Preview in Brunnenpassage, Vienna
Friday: September 10, 2021
17:00 – 19:00
Festival Digital Premiere streamed on our website
Friday: September 23, 2021